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What is a self-employed driver?

What is a self-employed driver?

A self-employed driver means:
  • a driver who is entitled to work for themselves and who don’t have a contract of employment;
  • a driver who is free to choose the jobs they take on without being answerable to a boss or any other worker;
  • a driver whose income depends directly on profits made rather than receiving a wage;
  • a driver who is free to choose who they want to work for and with;
  • a driver who is free to work for several customers if they wish;
The amount of control the driver has over their work is a key point in determining 
if they are self-employed, as is their reliance on profits to provide them with an income.

Self-employed driver get your free driver card analysis with proDRIVERS IDHA (Intelligent Driver Hours Analysis)

Self-Employed Drivers register with us by sending your CV at we will send you the request from the Companies and it is up to you to reply.


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